Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Self-care and wellness

Happy Sunday Everyone!
I have been very busy since my last blog post. With that being said, I have had some time to really think about how I personally take on the responsibility of caring for everyone around me and don't really take care of myself. Many of us do this. We are mothers/fathers, husbands/wives. sons/daughters, employees/employers, a jack of all trades of sorts when it comes to caring and doing for others. In the past couple of weeks I have come to realize that in order to be my best self, I need to take care of me first. This best self will then transcend to others. This is not a selfish act but one of self-preservation for our mental health, physical health, and emotional health. This may mean evaluating how much time you are giving to every other aspect of your life other than yourself. Some things that you can do for yourself this week includes listening to meditation music, reading for pleasure, taking a walk, digging in a garden, people watching, using essential oils for relaxation, visiting others for the enjoyment of their conversation, sleeping, and eating healthy. I am guilty of not taking the time for myself and my goal this week is to start doing it. Take care of yourself! Until next time, love and peace!


Monday, June 4, 2018

The Loss of a Loved One

We never really know how long we have in the physical world. Two weeks ago I lost a very good friend whom I considered a sister. Looking back at the days that followed I have had some time to really think about what my life purpose is. Sad that we have to experience the death of a loved one to make us stop and pause and re-evaluate our lives. Starting a private practice and a Blog have always been a goal of mine. It really took Debbie's death to push me into doing something that I know will help others. So here I go embarking on one of the scariest things in my life. I don't want to spend a great deal of time talking about my goals but want to talk about death and grieving. As I walked and stood among the many, many people who came to grieve for my friend, and give comfort to her family and friends, I noticed that each and everyone of those visitors held my friend in their heart. Each had an individual and special relationship with her. No one knows the level of grief each feels and to think that one person's grief is deeper than another's is unrealistic. One thing I know for sure is that we all loved her deeply and she will be missed by many. Grief has no time limits and it is as individual as our fingerprints. We all pass through the grieving process in our own time. Sadness, anger, guilt, and acceptance. I keep thinking is it really acceptance or do we just tolerate death because we have no choice. Regardless of how each of us deal with death, the important thing is that we take care of ourselves. We must allow ourselves time to cry when we need to cry, laugh at the memories, cry some more, or be angry that our loved one was taken to soon. Allow yourself to experience your grief in your own way and your own time. Make a plan to do things that will make you feel better. Things such as a quiet walk, dancing to your favorite song, eating your favorite dessert, being with others who loved your loved one, hugging your favorite person, petting your cat or dog, meditating, going to church, and so on. Until we meet again my friends, take care of yourself. Self-care and wellness will help you through.
